The Talent Film Academy presents the First Feature LAB, an intensive workshop tailored for successful short film makers ready to transition to their debut feature films. This program offers selected filmmakers the invaluable opportunity to receive professional feedback and guidance under the mentorship of industry experts, culminating in a Pitch-Session at the Cannes Film Festival. As part of the Talent Program, participants will engage in online courses to refine their film concepts before convening for a five-day stay in Cannes during the Festival to present their projects at the Cannes Marché du Film. Graduates of the LAB will have their projects showcased on the TALENT page of the Linz ISFF website, providing visibility and recognition within the film community. This program is designed to empower filmmakers and refine creative visions for the next step in their filmmaking journey.
Emerging Voices:
First Feature LAB is an intensive workshop designed to empower emerging filmmakers who are preparing to make their debut feature films. The LAB aims to provide a supportive environment where participants can refine their creative vision, develop their projects, and gain valuable insights into the filmmaking process from industry experts.
Participation fee 4500 Euro
Selected projects can participate in the SHORT FILM LAB and develop their next short film projects under professional guidance for a Pitch-Session and compete for a Co-production Fund. As part of the Talent Program, participants will gather in a 4-day residency during Cannes Film Festival.
After completing some courses at Cannes Film Festival, the online courses will continue, and the participants will be prepared to pitch their project at the Linz ISFF and other film events. After completing the online courses, participants will be guests at the Linz International Short Film Festival in Austria and will compete for the Co-production Fund. The produced films of all talents will be screened at Linz ISFF.
Linz ISFF Pitch-Session / Co-production Fund
With the Pitch Session, the festival offers the selected filmmakers a platform not only to gain international festival experience, but also to experience the atmosphere of a film market and to get in touch with the professional film sector. In addition, they get the chance to support the production of their next film by winning the Co-production Fund.
Participation fee: 2700 Euro